Monday, October 3, 2011

Exploring History @ the Tustin Library October 6, 7:00PM

I was quite surprised at the turnout of this event.  I think we should do this every year.  This is a partnership with the local Cub Scouts troup (acutally, the father of one of those cubscouts works for one of our branches and lives in the area) and the Historical Society.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Desiging posters ....

Received a compliment from an art instructor passing this poster, "strong".  This art program is presented by a volunteer art instructor (a different one) who ironically did not design a catchy poster.  I had to re-design it the last week of sign-ups.
Storytimes Storytimes forever Storytimes

& more storytimes

Free programs

Aren't we lucky to have a retired school teacher offer this to the community for free!!!

Finding more programs.  The past SRP (summer reading program) asked for more craft programs, hence the idea to have community volunteers lead this 6 month series.  Looking forward to it.

Passive Programs @ the library

On Passive Programs.  The kids LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEE this and if you have a place where this is posted, they will come.  OC Public Libraries is a group of 33 branches and I was lucky to have a Mesa Verde colleague share his monthly posters with me.  Why reinvent the wheel? 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

2011 FALL Computer Classes

Computer Classes are back in session, 10 weeks of it!  You know, it's a challenge to find great volunteers with the expertise to empower students.  Tustin Library has a computer lab that will remain empty due to staff shortages.  So, finding volunteers to use it can be a challenge.  So the question is, how challenging?   Facilitators have to be presentable.  Showered, hair combed, clean.  They also have to speak well, listen well, and know their subject well. 

My short interviews are very frank and I ask, "what's in it for you?" and will let them know where the library stands in terms of partnering.  I'll ask them for a lesson plan and ask them to explain a few things so I can listen to their style.

Anyways, I'm grateful we have computer class volunteers.  Especially when the students rave about them!

August 4 - Murder Mystery Night @ the Library

Murder Mystery Night takes a lot of planning and is fun!  The kit comes prepared with the basic outline, structure, and dialogues.  You, as the librarian, have to tweak it a bit to fit a group of 40+.  In addition, the participant's experience begins before the event.  What do I mean?  Let me explain. 
The term Experienceology came about through a workhop that defined how a visitor's experience begins and ends.  For this event, the experience begins with a riddle written on the poster.  Solving it earns the required invitation.  The room is set, props assigned, and the game is on.  It was quite a fun hour and a half and everyone enjoyed the experience. 
Some of the characters profile's were "tweaked" to add to the fun.

OC Public Library's 90th Birthday Celebration

So, the County had us create programs to celebrate OC Public Libraries' 90th birthday.  With no rest after July's Summer Reading program, we came up with three programs.  By the way, I was wondering, what numbers would justify a successful program?  Birthday Craft brought in about 20.  Balloona Palooza brought in a whopping 104, and Handwriting Analysis, 35 (Adults & Teens).  For Tustin, these are great numbers.  For short staff situation, still, great numbers.

I'm new to passive programs and have enjoyed silent excitement when kids find and read the raffle poster, then request for a raffle ticket.  This idea was shared by a local colleague at another branch (in fact, a cousin) who enjoys doing things like this.  I've asked him to send me his next project.  FUN & super easy.  So, for the month of August, 281 entries.

Helping out with posters ...

 I do enjoy creating posters to market library events and have realized how much work it is afterward.  That is, you're not only making the posters, but a few flyers to display around the library and handouts.  Now, about the handouts.... there is simply no need to make them half-sheet.  Goodness gracious, let's not kill a tree already.  An eighth sheet will suffice and can easily be sized up on MS Publisher in page format.  Try it.
 I've done a storytime or two as one of those acts you do to participate in the employer's incentive programs (PIP).  It was fun and energetic, and just plain wore me out.  Storytelling is in my blood, so I'm told.  I just haven't tapped into it yet.
Due to staff shortages, asking the community to take part in storytelling reaps rewards to both sides.  This storytime poster has a librarian doing her storytime and the rest are volunteers!  Of course, they love to tell stories, the problem is, we're not "proactive" in organizing volunteers to do this.

Outreaching ...

Outreach.  As an Adult Services Librarian, it's not a typical activity take on an outreach project.  Because the library is currently lacking a full fledged Children's Librarian, I decided to accept a few pre-summer outreach opportunities just to get the experience:  2 at elementary schools, and 1 at a shopping center mall in collaboraton with the Tustin Police Night Out event.
Rule 1.  Never go at it alone.
Rule 2.  Never be quiet.
Rule 3.  Take lots of toy looking freebies for kids and parents.
Rule 4.  Take bubbles, bubbles, bubbles.
Rule 5.  You better make some great posters with lost of bright colors and add the word "FREE", prominently.
Did I enjoy it?  Most certainly.  I was able to take a volunteer with me when other staff were not able to come.  Lots of talking, talking, and talking.  If you're quiet and shy, this is not for you, in fact, it may dent the library's reputation.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

2011 Calligraphy workshops

Carolyn approached me and asked about doing a calligraphy program.  She attended the handwriting analysis program and called me a week later about the suggestion.  She brought in her portfolio and work done at a sister library.  I was quite impressed and new she'd do a professional job for $450 (4 classes).  Yep, our Friends were happy to pay, and as I hear it, the Friends are quite happy with the programs.  So far, it's about one week after I've posted the poster and already the class is half full with 20. 

6/13/11:  Ok.  We've had the first class and it's FULL!  We were able to squeeze in some on the waiting list.  Luckily I posted the registration requirement and called everyone reminding them to arrive on time or lose their seats.  I have to say, Ms. Carolyn is phenomenal.  She is very organized, detailed, and requires lots of energy.  She is a great presenters and everyone enjoyed the class.  The class was a mix of ages and styles:  seniors and young adults, mother-daughter teams, ethnic mixes, quiet and gangster looking ones, too.   

Nancy Pe'a Adult Services Librarian  OC Public Libraries Tustin Library 345 East Main Street Tustin, CA  92780 714-544-7725 

2011 Local History Series


An idea to see if the community has an interest in this.  First 2 brought in 10 each:( and others are still in progress.  I found the lecturers through a local museum speakers bureau, a local author through the local historical society, and another local author who dropped off his book a year ago.  Wonderful information, wish the community would be just as excited.

6/13/11 - Overall, the program executed well.  The attendees were the same group every week and they appreciated the program.  About 10-30 count.  The last program I was able to get a possible contact for a Tuskeegee Airman in his 90s who might be able to come out and speak for a Veterans program.  Hmmmm????

Nancy Pe'a Adult Services Librarian  OC Public Libraries Tustin Library 345 East Main Street Tustin, CA  92780 714-544-7725 

2011 BookBite

BookBite continues.  About 25+ in attendance.  Just recently, I was told a few of the attendees are dropping out because it's too big and they can not hear each other.  I may need to make amends but either splitting the group or providing a microphone.  Hmmmm....???
At any rate, as we are feeling the short staff pinch in this economy, I've been leaving the group on their own.  Sometimes it works and other times I get the feeling the group would appreciates a Librarian there.  Hate to say it, guess I have to read the book and stay for the meetings and let staff suck it up while working the desk alone (it's not that bad, is it?).

Nancy Pe'a Adult Services Librarian  OC Public Libraries Tustin Library 345 East Main Street Tustin, CA  92780 714-544-7725 

2011 Chan Living / Family Meditation

These guys are great!  An emerging non-profit, proactive in their goals.  They came in one day for permission to post flyer on the community board.  I was curious, attended one of their meetings and found it beneficial for the community.  These guys promote health through simple daily exercises and meditiation.  We've partnered with them to meet at Tustin Library once a week for the rest of the year.  Self managed.
Nancy Pe'a Adult Services Librarian  OC Public Libraries Tustin Library 345 East Main Street Tustin, CA  92780 714-544-7725 

2011 Lunar New Year Celebration

OMG!  This was a huge celebration bringing 300+ to the library.  How did I do it.  After a Chan Living (chinese health) program one evening, a lady approached me and asked if she could do a program.  I explained to her library protocol and county rules and didn't hear from her until late January.  She had organized new year celebrations before and it went quite easily.  I helped redesign the flyers and the celebration brought in asians from all over the county.  Although small in comparison with other celebrations, it was great publicity for Tustin Library.  It pays to introduce yourself in every program and let listeners know how programs are brought about.
Nancy Pe'a Adult Services Librarian  OC Public Libraries Tustin Library 345 East Main Street Tustin, CA  92780 714-544-7725 

2011 Computer Classes

We have a computer lab with no extra staff to teach basic classes.  So how did we get lucky?  Another sister library referred this volunteer to us.  She wanted to teach computer classes to get a feel of how to approach the senior community as her goal was to promote technology to seniors in Indonesia.  We partnered with her quickly.  For the first few months we did not fill up the class.  After I ordered poster sized easles and stuck them in the front of the library, then the class began to fill.  It's amazing when you get things in the right places for people to see.  Our letter sized flyers posted by the InfoDesk barely did a thing.
Nancy Pe'a Adult Services Librarian  OC Public Libraries Tustin Library 345 East Main Street Tustin, CA  92780 714-544-7725 

2011 Handwriting Analysis

Ok, this program came about through conversation with a long time patron.  Hence, our discovery that she does handwriting analysis in addition to her psychic talent.  Full house (40+) for this program, and she was an excellent presenter in terms of being very casual, professional, and approachable.  We used a digital camera to snap everyone's handwriting sample and uploaded it to a laptop and projector in no time.  She went through many of the samples and answered plenty of questions, and their was a line after the program was done.  A definite repeat on this one.  Total fun!
Nancy Pe'a Adult Services Librarian  OC Public Libraries Tustin Library 345 East Main Street Tustin, CA  92780 714-544-7725 

LIVE Green with Tustin's Community Foundation

Partnering with Tustin's Community Foundation offers this green program series.  These are the guys that do the Mayor's Breakfast fundraiser, hence, they publicize events during city council, on their website, and basically to all their contacts in the community.
Nancy Pe'a Adult Services Librarian  OC Public Libraries Tustin Library 345 East Main Street Tustin, CA  92780 714-544-7725 


SCORE - This is a great way to bring free business lectures to the library.  SCORE is a well organized nonprofit with facilitators who share their business expertise with powerpoint presentations.  As most of them are retired, they have negotiated with the library for room set up and program printing.  It can be exhausting if you're short-staff and have to set up 80 chairs.  On the other hand, they do their own marketing and bring in the numbers.
Nancy Pe'a Adult Services Librarian  

Monday, February 28, 2011

more 2010 programs


Ports of Calls was a very engaging and picturesque presentation.  This contact was the husband of one of our Friends of the Library Bookstore volunteers.  Although there wasn't a huge crowd, those who did attend are probably enjoying their cruises about now.

About money, everyone needs to know about it.  This is a relationship built with someone I met while taking a course at one of the colleges.  Totally free at the library!

Nancy Pe'a
Adult Services Librarian

2010 Local Author Programs

Local author programs are a hard sell at Tustin Library.  This was my second one and not too many came out to see, perhaps most in attendance were maybe 15.  Most of the authors were good in engaging with the audience's questions on how they were published or how they came up with the information.  What doesn't work is if the author reads over 10 minutes to try to sell the book. 

On a good note, one of the author's here continues to head the literary group, Independent Writers of Southern California.  In fact, it was an earlier candidate who came to one of our book groups to discuss his book who started the Southern California chapter of IWOSC and passed the baton to someone else.

Nancy Pe'a
Adult Services Librarian
OC Public Libraries
Tustin Library

Some 2010 programs


I had most fun designing the flyers.  Only one required my planning and execution while the other events were partnered with the community who were experts in their field.  For the past few years, it seems adult programming isn't too popular unless they're of entertainment value.  Plus, I don't have the time to engage with full energy.  Wouldn't that be something if the library were a mad house of adults piling into the programs??