Sunday, September 18, 2011

Desiging posters ....

Received a compliment from an art instructor passing this poster, "strong".  This art program is presented by a volunteer art instructor (a different one) who ironically did not design a catchy poster.  I had to re-design it the last week of sign-ups.
Storytimes Storytimes forever Storytimes

& more storytimes

Free programs

Aren't we lucky to have a retired school teacher offer this to the community for free!!!

Finding more programs.  The past SRP (summer reading program) asked for more craft programs, hence the idea to have community volunteers lead this 6 month series.  Looking forward to it.

Passive Programs @ the library

On Passive Programs.  The kids LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEE this and if you have a place where this is posted, they will come.  OC Public Libraries is a group of 33 branches and I was lucky to have a Mesa Verde colleague share his monthly posters with me.  Why reinvent the wheel? 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

2011 FALL Computer Classes

Computer Classes are back in session, 10 weeks of it!  You know, it's a challenge to find great volunteers with the expertise to empower students.  Tustin Library has a computer lab that will remain empty due to staff shortages.  So, finding volunteers to use it can be a challenge.  So the question is, how challenging?   Facilitators have to be presentable.  Showered, hair combed, clean.  They also have to speak well, listen well, and know their subject well. 

My short interviews are very frank and I ask, "what's in it for you?" and will let them know where the library stands in terms of partnering.  I'll ask them for a lesson plan and ask them to explain a few things so I can listen to their style.

Anyways, I'm grateful we have computer class volunteers.  Especially when the students rave about them!

August 4 - Murder Mystery Night @ the Library

Murder Mystery Night takes a lot of planning and is fun!  The kit comes prepared with the basic outline, structure, and dialogues.  You, as the librarian, have to tweak it a bit to fit a group of 40+.  In addition, the participant's experience begins before the event.  What do I mean?  Let me explain. 
The term Experienceology came about through a workhop that defined how a visitor's experience begins and ends.  For this event, the experience begins with a riddle written on the poster.  Solving it earns the required invitation.  The room is set, props assigned, and the game is on.  It was quite a fun hour and a half and everyone enjoyed the experience. 
Some of the characters profile's were "tweaked" to add to the fun.

OC Public Library's 90th Birthday Celebration

So, the County had us create programs to celebrate OC Public Libraries' 90th birthday.  With no rest after July's Summer Reading program, we came up with three programs.  By the way, I was wondering, what numbers would justify a successful program?  Birthday Craft brought in about 20.  Balloona Palooza brought in a whopping 104, and Handwriting Analysis, 35 (Adults & Teens).  For Tustin, these are great numbers.  For short staff situation, still, great numbers.

I'm new to passive programs and have enjoyed silent excitement when kids find and read the raffle poster, then request for a raffle ticket.  This idea was shared by a local colleague at another branch (in fact, a cousin) who enjoys doing things like this.  I've asked him to send me his next project.  FUN & super easy.  So, for the month of August, 281 entries.

Helping out with posters ...

 I do enjoy creating posters to market library events and have realized how much work it is afterward.  That is, you're not only making the posters, but a few flyers to display around the library and handouts.  Now, about the handouts.... there is simply no need to make them half-sheet.  Goodness gracious, let's not kill a tree already.  An eighth sheet will suffice and can easily be sized up on MS Publisher in page format.  Try it.
 I've done a storytime or two as one of those acts you do to participate in the employer's incentive programs (PIP).  It was fun and energetic, and just plain wore me out.  Storytelling is in my blood, so I'm told.  I just haven't tapped into it yet.
Due to staff shortages, asking the community to take part in storytelling reaps rewards to both sides.  This storytime poster has a librarian doing her storytime and the rest are volunteers!  Of course, they love to tell stories, the problem is, we're not "proactive" in organizing volunteers to do this.

Outreaching ...

Outreach.  As an Adult Services Librarian, it's not a typical activity take on an outreach project.  Because the library is currently lacking a full fledged Children's Librarian, I decided to accept a few pre-summer outreach opportunities just to get the experience:  2 at elementary schools, and 1 at a shopping center mall in collaboraton with the Tustin Police Night Out event.
Rule 1.  Never go at it alone.
Rule 2.  Never be quiet.
Rule 3.  Take lots of toy looking freebies for kids and parents.
Rule 4.  Take bubbles, bubbles, bubbles.
Rule 5.  You better make some great posters with lost of bright colors and add the word "FREE", prominently.
Did I enjoy it?  Most certainly.  I was able to take a volunteer with me when other staff were not able to come.  Lots of talking, talking, and talking.  If you're quiet and shy, this is not for you, in fact, it may dent the library's reputation.