Wednesday, July 8, 2015

TIPS on marketing supplies and displays

Librarians weren't trained in marketing or design.  So we acquire these skills as we move through our experiences.

TIPS on flyer designs:  google flyer images.  Example:  google image "author event flyer".  Images will give you an idea on how to design a great looking flyer.  Pick the one you are most drawn to because of the quick clarity of the message - that is to say, at a glance, it caught your eye, then notice why it caught your interest.

TIPS on free images:  pixabay, creative commons, Harvard's pathfinder or google images / search tool / labeled for reuse.  Recently, copyright has become an important issue because the County can be hunted for their deep pockets.  The clipart was even removed from our office applications.  Not to worry, we've found reliable online sources for cool images.  Just get use to searching them.

Recently, we've created a marketing committee reeking havoc on our creative designs, limiting us to certain colors, fonts, and logo to support the branding efforts of the County.  Due to the bureaucratic nature of the business, you do what you can, however, they should've hired an expert in design and marketing cause if your marketing ain't right, ain't no one gonna see it. on display:  I found this cool display unit holding a flyer and business card.  The neat deal about it is you can design your business cards to market the program and use them as handouts.  In the past, we've used handouts of various sizes and I've noticed the business card seems to be the best and efficient use of resources.   Cost ranges from $6-$30 each.  I got the cheaper unit and it's awesome!  As for the business cards for laser printer, for the volume I do, the 1,000 card box cost: $40-$80.
Some one donated a portable display board and I took it thinking it might be useful.  It was stored for about a year and with a little bit of velcro, these display acrylics look great on the board in the lobby of the library.  I love it!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

2015 Library Programs Jan-Jun

Here's the first half of 2015.  Sometime last year, a marketing committee was formed to promote the branding efforts of the County.  Our marketing efforts were to be restricted to certain colors, font, and logo.  As we implemented the new policy, you'll notice the change in flyers as they become more bland in color as we move forward.  On the other hand, we are able to work around that by using free images, texture, and font sizes and placement.

These images were designed for a monitor, so in marketing a program, I design a legal size for the monitor, a letter size for posting in the lobby, a pdf letter size for online posting on our calendar, and a business card size for handouts.  For the bigger programs, I will design a 24x36 poster for one of the poster rolling racks placed in the entry way.

This particular craft program was a huge success. When looking back, perhaps the success was due to the time and date of the program. I decided to push the program back to 5:00 PM instead of the usual 7 o'clock evening programs that I do.I also posted the program about two months ahead of time instead of the usual one month of marketing time. It was also just before Valentine's Day and I  noticed a few teen couples and groups attend the program.  A bunch of supplies were donated for this one, found a $20 box template cutter from Michaels, gallon ziploc baggies from the 99c Store across the street (can we be so lucky!) and put together kits.  Kits are awesome for craft programs.  Minimal mess.  Fullhouse.

I will say the facilitator for this program is a retired US History Junior High teacher.  So far, his passion for this program has resulted in many successes in the students completing the naturalization process.  We found a gem here.

 As part of the employee incentive program, this library assistant agreed to a few programs in the library system.  He asked our library if he could facilitate this program and we were able to.  Due to the popularity of the antiques roadshow, it brought people in with their ancient wares.

 POPULAR program.  I was able to track down this persons contact through networking with other library systems.  A very informative and kid friendly program, and of course brought out the fans.

2014 Library Programs

A library colleague made a comment that we've become event planners rather than librarians.

It seems to me event planning is a necessary skill for librarians as we have the opportunity to bring in programs suitable to our community: entertainment and education.

It's noted this is a late post (6 months later) and I was fortunate to still find these flyers stored in an organized system.  These legal size formats fits our TV at the circulation desk and advertises nicely.

In review, I noted a ton of movies, thanks to an affordable movie license (MPLC) and a volunteer willing to monitor the movie sessions, and lots of community experts wanting business exposure through library workshops.

I still have challenges with authors who want to market their books.  They have high hopes thinking the library may attract people to author events when unfortunately that's not the case.  Still learning.