Saturday, April 9, 2016

I work in another library system on an on-call/part time basis and because I'm not there as often enough to plan and execute a program, I thought I'd suggest this passive program with simple instructions for the rest of staff to follow.

I created a poster with a pocket in the front to hold the torn sheets for blacking out.  InfoDesk was emailed the instructions to give a piece of candy and raffle ticket for poetry submissions and to display the submissions in the teen window.  Easy enough?  We'll see.  (I actually enjoyed blacking out and designing the page - which is not the one on the poster).

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Catching up in Social Media

It's been over 6 months since I posted.  In the meanwhile, I took a training on Social Media in Career Enhancement and guess what, here I am to share the good stuff of librarianship on social media.

Okay, back to 6 months ago.  I wanted to do something with sugar skulls (cool history) and ended up making 80 skulls all by myself because I was just too darn excited.  Well, a big lesson learned there because my poor hands suffered from the kneading and stirring and molding.

I could have easily asked for assistance from staff and when I look back at the experience, my plans did not include involving their help because it would be too much to explain how I wanted it.  I see that in busy people, especially in OCDs and perfectionists, who don't trust the capability of others and so, of course, I am taking opportunities to involve staff in future program planning.  So yeah, sugar skulls were awesome.

Worry Dolls I thought would be a fun craft for February (adults & teens) and just a handful showed which was fine and fun.  People kept asking about the voodoo dolls and NOOOO, they're not voodoo dolls, they're worry dolls.  Easy peasy, thanks Pinterest!

Let me tell you about the coloring club.  I launched it this past February for every Tuesday mornings.  After the 3rd week, we had a full house and I would say, it is quite popular, check out the newspaper clipping.  I'd like to thank my cousin Jazmine for having such an intricate coloring book out on display during a Christmas get together.